Welcome to my Blog!!!!


“Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself”

Hello Everyone!!!  🙂  Thank you for viewing my blog.  Here, you can see all the works that I’d accomplish during my in-house on-the-job training at the Office of the Student Affairs, STI West Negros University under the supervisory of Mrs. Edna Maricon Arca, Coordinator of the Student Affairs.

This online portfolio serves as the compilation of my ojt activity pictures, tasks accomplished, problems encountered, solutions taken, learning experiences after the practice, my resume, project outputs and  ojt reflection.

I am Stephanie Joyce Decena. 20 years of age. A fourth year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology student. Honestly, it was never that easy to be a fourth year student but I try to call it as a challenge or let us say a preparation before we enter the actual workplace. 🙂

I am an active student at school. I love to attend seminars, be a part of the student council and join contests which ccampan help me in developing my self-esteem and expanding my knowledge which I can be used or applied in the future. Although the greatest challenge I’m facing right now is how to manage my time, but still I’m always trying to improve myself.

Being a fourth year student may never be easy, but it will be my stepping stone in reaching my dreams. 🙂 So to all fourth year students, may God bless us and may this year not be the year for us to fight, but the year for us to improve ourselves, to show to the world what we’ve got and be the best person that we can be. With the help of God Almighty, we can do all things possible. 🙂

Please follow me on twitter  @stephay1995 or email me at stephaniejoyced@yahoo.com.ph or you can just visit my facebook account https://www.facebook.com/stephybebit.decena

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